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Since, “We, being many, are one body in Christ and each member belongs to all the others . . . . .”

(Rom. 12:5), we enter into this covenant to aid us in carrying out Jesus’ commission in Matt. 28:19-20.


I.  I gratefully acknowledge Jesus Christ as my Lord, accept the authority of God’s written Word, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit for my life. 

II.  I commit myself to this body of believers . . . .

     A.  By giving and receiving guidance from others in the Body.

     B.  By regular participation in the life of our church. (i.e. cell groups, worship, Christian Education, and social functions)

     C. By participating in opportunities for Christian growth and by praying for and encouraging others to mutual development in our Christian lives.

     D.  By helping to develop a body that provides support, healing, and forgiveness.  I will also be open to receive these ministries when I need them.

     E.  By seeking out opportunities for sharing the “Good News” of salvation within my world.

     F.  By recognizing that all of life is a gift from God.  I will give faithfully of my wealth, time, and abilities and will support Faith Christian Church financially and prayerfully in her mission and purpose.

III.  I commit myself to daily Christian living . . . .

     A.  By seeking to know God more personally through regular devotional study, prayer and worship.

     B.  Through a lifestyle that demonstrates God as the supplier of all my/our needs.

     C.  By following Christ’s example of love in all human relationships; thus encouraging peace where there is conflict.

IV.  I will strive to live by the teachings of God’s Word.

 We will encourage each other in the acceptance of these principles.

I will seek to consistently practice these covenant terms . . . These covenant terms will be prayerfully reviewed on an annual basis.  We relate officially to the broader body of Christ through the Harvest Fellowship of Churches.

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